Friday, May 15, 2009

Here we go again. . .

Due to this economic crisis (Ps I hate when people say that), I am stuck donating plasma. . . again. Probably the easiest way to earn money but also its a giant pain! There is nothing like having a giant needle the size of a capri sun straw shoved into your arm! awesome! They always seem to put the needle in wrong and then spend a good ten minutes fiddlin around trying to fix it. It feels great! and no offense to the people who donate there, but they all seem kinda weird. (you guys who donate know exactly what i'm talking about.) Oh well I guess. . . at least i'm saving lives. . . and making a few bucks at the same time.


  1. well howdy my friend. congrats on getting a proud of you :) You'r puppy is adorable, he makes me want one. Miss you tho, love ya!

  2. Hey friend! I am so happy you found me! I just started this too its fun though! Your page is cute I love all your wedding pictures your dress is beautiful!! I love your puppy how fun! Hopefully she grows out of chewing real quick! I give you major props for donating plasma, that really doesn't sound like fun! well i will be checkin out your page!
